MS CRM custom Development & Customization

Working under white label we have built software that thousands of people use worldwide

We help IT companies to focus on their customers leaving the development tasks to WaveAccess.

WaveAccess offers for

Competitors everywhere?

Need to struggle for every new project? Do you compete with other CRM customizations, and also with other CRM partners that offer their own MS CRM customizations?

Need to have the best price, development and time required to implement solutions, and also best quality assurance? And the customer often asks if he will return his money back that he has invested in CRM solution, if this solution will actually be used and if the interface is not too complicated.

And while the customer is thinking and is considering the alternatives, you make a presentation, create prototypes and try to demonstrate your high skills?

Our proposals:

  • Rapid prototyping using a number of ready components, such as editable lists, and custom panel with summary data and reports from various manufacturers
  • Building graphical diagrams that illustrate the specificity of the given project — for example, the diagram of interaction of all participants of the construction project and the relationships between them
  • Involvement of business analytics and CRM Architect at the stage of proposal preparation as well as participation in meetings and presentations to the customer
  • After winning the opportunity, a team for the whole project or just for a part of it

The most well-known solutions:

  • Development and implementation of vertical solution CRM4Legal
    for legal companies (2011 Microsoft Dynamics Professional Services Partner of the Year Award)
  • Development and maintenance of Sales Centric Relationship Charts since 2006 (Microsoft CRM add-on to visualize relationships between any business objects with any connection roles)
  • Development of the following products integrated with MS CRM: e-commerce module for Microsoft CRM, callcenter (Microsoft CRM and Asterisk integrated), live chat application
Ready to move forward with our сustom programming services?
Call us today at +1 866 311 24 67 or get started.

Ինչպես ենք մենք մշակում ձեր անձնական տվյալները

Լրացված ձևը ներկայացնելուց հետո ձեր անձնական տվյալները կմշակվեն WaveAccess ծառայության կողմից: Մեր միջազգային ներկայության շնորհիվ ձեր տվյալները կարող են փոխանցվել և մշակվել այն երկրից դուրս, որտեղ դուք բնակվում կամ գտնվում եք: Դուք իրավունք ունեք ցանկացած պահի հետ վերցնել ձեր համաձայնությունը:
Խնդրում ենք կարդալ մեր Գաղտնիության քաղաքականությունը լրացուցիչ տեղեկությունների համար